HI72 Learning Community

We are happy to invite you to join an online Learning Community on Missional Discipleship.
You are welcome to join this Learning Community with a team of 4-6 people from your church, denomination or organisation. People who participate should have fair understanding of English.
Every person in the team could join from their own device or teams could come together and participate from one place, ensuring good access to internet and reasonable device to enable good participation.

In the Learning Community, you will journey with us as we explore themes like Missional Discipleship, Multiplying Missional Leaders, Launching Missional Communities and Leading Kingdom Movements. As well as excellent input, we offer you a relationship in which will learn together and explore around the themes above. You are very welcome to join in this journey!

We will come together in three online sessions:
Session 1:
Friday 20th May, 7 – 9 PM IST

Session 2:
Friday 10th June, 7-9 PM IST

Session 3:
Friday 1st July, 7-9 PM IST


The cost of this first block of the Learning Community (4 blocks of three sessions in total) are Rs. 500 per participant. After registration, you will receive a link to the course material and a link for making the payment.




Please fill out the form below to register yourself and your team for the Learning Community:


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